Break time
Break time

Your name, as it appears on your scheduling permit, must exactly match the name on your form(s) of identification.

  • Other form of unexpired, government-issued identification.
  • Acceptable forms of unexpired identification include: Please review your scheduling permit for additional identification requirements. When you arrive at the test center, you must present a paper or electronic copy of your scheduling permit and a valid, unexpired government-issued photo identification. Your rescheduled test date(s) must fall within your eligibility period. If you arrive more than 30 minutes after your scheduled testing appointment, you will not be admitted and must pay a fee to reschedule your test. If you arrive after your appointment time, you may not be admitted. You should arrive at the test center at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled testing appointment.

    break time break time

    If you are found to have engaged in irregular behavior, your score report and transcripts will include this finding, you may be barred from taking the USMLE in the future, and your score may be canceled. Also, evidence of violation of any test administration rule, including these Rules of Conduct, will result in actions being taken under the USMLE Policies and Procedures Regarding Irregular Behavior. If you violate these Rules of Conduct, you may be directed to leave the test center before completing your examination.

  • You will not write on anything other than the laminated note boards.
  • This includes postings regarding examination content and/or answers on the internet. Also, you will not provide information relating to examination content to anyone, including those who may be taking or preparing others to take the examination. You will not reproduce or attempt to reproduce examination materials through recording, memorization, or any other means.
  • You will maintain the confidentiality of the materials, including, but not limited to, the multiple-choice items and the case content for Primum CCS.
  • break time

    You will not remove examination content from the test center by any means.You may use a telephone or other communication device only when outside the secure testing area and during an authorized break.It is a violation of the Rules of Conduct if you indicate on the test center log that your break screen is visible when it is not. You will leave your testing station for breaks only when the break screen is visible on your monitor.You will place in a locker all personal belongings, including cell phones, watches, pagers, tablets, iPods/media players, fitness and tracking monitors, any device with transmitting or receiving capabilities (e.g., Bluetooth), formulas, study materials, notes, papers, pens/pencils, and your purse and/or wallet, before you enter the testing room.You will not have prohibited materials, including formulas, study materials, notes, papers, or electronic devices of any kind, in your possession while you are in the secure areas of the test center.You will not seek, provide, or obtain any form of unauthorized assistance at any time, including during the examination or during breaks.You are the person named on the scheduling permit for the examination.When you submit your application to take the USMLE, you agree to the following: Test center staff is not authorized to answer questions regarding registration, examination content or format, or testing software, scoring, or retesting. You must follow instructions from test center staff throughout the examinations failure to do so may result in a finding that you have engaged in irregular behavior and a permanent annotation on your transcript.

    break time

    Test center staff is required to report any violations of the USMLE or test center rules. Administrations of the USMLE Steps are monitored by test center staff, in person and through audio and visual recording.

    Break time